Discover Padrón

Nosa Señora da Escravitude Santuary

Nosa Señora da Escravitude Santuary

This shrine is just 5 km from Padrón on the way to Santiago de Compostela, on the right.

It is about an ill man that was travelling along the Way of St. James in the hope of being healed of his dropsy. He stopped at the fountain to have a drink and was miraculously cured without seeing a doctor 72 hours later. He then said, “Thank you, Our Lady, for taking away the ailment”.

This then became the story that gave origin to this sanctuary, and which ultimately began the construction of this structure thanks to an xx cart that the pilgrim donated for his gratitude. The project was completed in 1886.

The project that had begun in the sixteenth century was completed when a shepherd placed an image of Our Lady with Baby Jesus in appreciation of a favour that he received from her.